Multivariate linear binary classification.
What is linear classification?¶
Linear classification is the task of finding a linear function that best separates a series of differently classified points in euclidean space. The linear function is called a linear separator. Each point can be interpreted as an example, and each dimension can be interpreted as a feature. If the space has 2 dimensions, the linear regression is univariate and the linear separator is a straight line. If the space has more than 2 dimensions, the linear regression is multivariate and the linear separator is a hyperplane. If the linear classification classifies examples into two different classes, the classification is binary.
Linear classification vs. linear regression.¶
Linear classification and linear regression are similar in their approach and data representation. However, they solve two different problems. Linear regression is the task of finding a linear function that best approximates a series of points. The example classification is nothing more than another dimension to a linear regressor. In contrast, a linear classifier treats the example classification not as a dimension, but in a special way that the following code demonstrates.
Implementing and using linear classification.¶
Classifying the survival chances of Titanic passengers.¶
The following code uses multivariate linear binary classification to classify the survival of passengers of the ship Titanic. The input data is taken from the Kaggle Titanic competition.
As a first step, we import os.path
to locate our dataset, pandas
to manipulate the dataset as tabular data, numpy
to efficiently process our data arrays and matplotlib.pyplot
to display the results of the linear classification in a graph. We disable warnings to keep the output tidy.
from os import path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
Reading the input data.¶
datadir = path.abspath(path.expanduser('~/datasets/titanic'))
rawexamples = pd.read_csv(path.join(datadir, 'train.csv'))
Our input data rawexamples
consists of 891 rows. Each row consists of 11 columns that contain information about a passenger. We interpret each row as an example and each column as a feature. The feature Survived classifies each example as either survived (1) or died (0) and is thus a binary classification.
Cleaning the input data.¶
Our input data has many features of presumably low importance. To simplify and speed up the binary classifier, we limit our examples to the three presumably most important features: Pclass (the passenger's class), Sex and Age.
examples = rawexamples[['Pclass', 'Sex', 'Age']]
Next, we assign a neutral value to all missing values in the input data.
examples = examples.fillna(0)
Additionally, we convert the Sex
feature to a numerical scale, because our linear classifier takes only numerical input.
examples['Sex'] = examples['Sex'].map({'male': 0, 'female': 1})
Then, we obtain the classifications.
classifications = rawexamples[['Survived']]
Finally, we split our examples into a training set and a validation set and convert them to arrays.
training_examples = examples.values[:800]
training_classifications = classifications.values[:800]
validation_examples = examples.values[801:]
validation_classifications = classifications.values[801:]
Implementing the linear classifier.¶
class LinearBinaryClassifier:
def __init__(self, features):
self.weights = np.zeros(features)
self.time = 0
def train(self, examples, classifications):
for example, classification in zip(examples, classifications):
self.time += 1
prediction = self.classify(example)
for idx, value in enumerate(example):
weight = self.weights[idx]
annealing = 1000/(1000 + self.time*10) # Values chosen by experience.
self.weights[idx] += annealing * (classification - prediction) * value
def classify(self, example):
if, self.weights) > 0:
return 1
return 0
The above linear binary classifier supports two actions, train()
and classify()
. train()
takes a list of examples and their classifications. It then approximates a linear function $$classify(example) = w_1 example_1 + w_2 example_2 + ... + w_n example_n$$ where $example_n$ refers to the value of $example$ for the n-th feature. $\textbf{w}$ is a vector of weights that defines the function $classify$. The output of $classify$ is interpreted in this way:
- value less than 0: classify as 0.
- value greater than 0 : classify as 1.
- value equal to 0: undefined (the algorithm is "uncertain").
The approximation is done by iterating over all examples and updating the weights if an example is misclassified. Specifically, each weight is increased or decreased so that the numerical output of classify
gets closer to the the correct output range.
To ensure that the algorithm converges at an approximately optimal solution, we use simulated annealing to gradually lower the learning rate.
Using the linear classifier.¶
To test and use our linear classifier, we need to train it on the example set and than validate it with the validation set. The validation step tells us the accuracy of the linear classifier.
Since our example set has only 800 examples, it is small for machine learning standards. Therefore, we will train our linear classifier multiple times with the same examples. After each training iteration, we test our classifier by classifying all examples from the validation set and comparing the output with the expected result. It is important for the validation step that no data of the validation data is used for improving the classifier, since this would invalidate subsequent accuracy reports.
classifier = LinearBinaryClassifier(features = len(training_examples[0]))
training_iterations = 100
accuracy = np.zeros(training_iterations)
for i in range(0,training_iterations):
classifier.train(training_examples, training_classifications)
correct = 0
for example, classification in zip(validation_examples, validation_classifications):
prediction = classifier.classify(example)
correct += 1 if prediction == classification else 0
accuracy[i] = correct/len(validation_examples)
Finally, we plot the reported accuracy of our linear classifier after each iteration.
The graph shows that our linear classifier has an accuracy of $≈78\%$. This means that when asked to predict the odds of survival of a Titanic passenger, it is correct $≈78\%$ of the time.